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KBIC flowers

Open Dump Advertisement for Bids


Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Natural Resources Department

14359 Pequaming Road

L’Anse, Michigan 49946

United States Public Health Service, Indian Health Service, (IHS) Rhinelander District Office

Bids for cleanup of dump sites on the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Reservation in Baraga County, MI for IHS Project BE-22-M72. The dump site cleanup will be coordinated with the Natural Resources Department of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. It is anticipated that the estimated 4 dump sites contain about 200 tons of waste plus an estimated 2,000 tires.

Dump Cleanup services include but are not limited to:

  •  Coordination and Planning with the Community on priority dump sites to cleanup
  • Travel to and from each dump site
  • Identification and segregation of waste
  • Proper and safe removal, hauling and disposal of waste (according to all permits and regulations)
  • Restoration of dump sites
  • Documentation of Davis-Bacon wages, waste removed, and waste disposed

Bids are due by July 20, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. EST:

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Natural Resources Department Serene Gauthier

14359 Pequaming Road

L’Anse, Michigan 49946 Attention: Dump Site Cleanup


Email: sgauthier@kbic-nsn.gov Subject: “Dump Site Cleanup”

Incomplete Bid Packages will be considered non-responsive

Indian preference will be used in accordance with the Request for Proposal in selecting the contractor.

For a complete bid package or questions, please contact: Serene Gauthier at (906) 524-5757 ext. 4228 or sgauthier@kbic-nsn.gov