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KBIC flowers

Victim Services and Programs

Sierra Ayres

Niimigimiwang Transitional Home Team Lead

Mailing Address

16429 Beartown Rd.,
Baraga, MI 49908


755 Michigan Ave.,
Baraga, MI 49908


(906) 353-HELP

Niimigimiwang Transitional Home Programs and Services are available to both male and female Native American victim-survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Services are also available to those collaterally affected. This includes those who may not have been a victim themselves, but were in some way affected — either as a child in the same household, as a family member, or as a relative or other community member — and would like to talk to someone in a safe, confidential environment.

Strict adherance of confidentiality enforcement

Niimigimiwang Transitional Home Programs and Services maintains compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 and 2000; Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act; VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2005, Niimigimiwang Transitional Home’s Implementing Regulations at 28 CFR Part 90 and strictly adheres to the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) and CFR Title 42, 290dd-2 and the regulations that implement it, Title 42, Part 2 (Federal Confidentiality Law as it pertains to AODA records).

Outreach is an important component of Niimigimiwang Transitional Home Programs and Services. Special events include: The Chelsey LaFernier Memorial Walk held annually in October and Sexual Assault Awareness Activities in April.

Program Staff are available to do trainings and presentations on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence and Stalking, Impact of Violence on Children, Services to Victims of Crime, etc.

The goal of advocacy is to walk beside you, whether you choose to pursue prosecution or not. Services may include: safety planning; helping to obtain a personal protection order; accompanying a survivor to court hearings or hospital/court, or other provider contact updates as requested by survivor. It may also include transportation, assistance seeking child care, housing, budgeting, or employment-related assistance.

We offer crisis intervention and counseling, including a 24/7 Helpline. Other counseling services include:

  • Cultural activities
  • Education and support groups
  • Talking Circles for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and their families
  • VOCA (Victims of Crime Assistance): Includes crisis intervention support and advocacy, information and referral and assistance to victims of child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, DUI/DWI, elder abuse, adults molested as children, robbery, homicide, economic exploitation and hate crimes and access to Crime Victim’s Compensation Fund
  • 24-hr. Helpline
  • Emergency shelter
  • Medical/hospital advocacy support & non-emergent transport
  • Survivor advocate outreach

Niimigimiwang Transitional Home is a place where women and men can seek shelter from a violent relationship, and receive counseling services and assistance while transitioning to more permanent housing or a safe place.

While at Niimigimiwang, support services may include case management,; employment counseling; skill building and educational support; budgeting; homeownership skills; life skills such as cooking and time management; computer safety; sobriety support; arts and crafts; cultural programming, traditional healing, and transportation.

Volunteers are welcome to assist with community events. Volunteers seeking to provide direct services must complete a background check and may need some training depending on their roles.