KBIC flowers
KBIC flowers


Warren Clohisy



8 am – 4:30 pm


807 US Hwy 41, Baraga, MI 49908


The mission of the Forestry Department is to enhance and sustain diverse forest resources for Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s Seven Generations.  Our goals include:

  • Improve and promote forest health, diversity, wildlife habitat and clean water resources
  • Ensure sustainable use of all timber and non-timber forest resources for the benefit of Tribal members
  • Incorporate cultural knowledge, needs, and education into forest land stewardship
  • Protect culturally sensitive areas on the Reservation

The Forestry Department balances many uses and values of KBIC forests through the following activities:

  • Monitoring forest growth and health
  • Tree and wildlife shrub planting for habitat enhancement
  • Pre-commercial timber stand improvements and crop tree release
  • Timber harvest to improve forest health and reduce fuel loading
  • Professional recommendations on sugarbush management
  • Guidance for finding and harvesting culturally important plants and trees
  • Providing Free Use Permits to KBIC members

Free Use Permits: 

The Forestry Department provides Free Use Permits to all KBIC members.  Members can harvest firewood, sap, and other forest products with a Free Use Permit.  To get a permit, stop by the Forester’s office in the Office of Planning and Development, 807 US Highway 41, Baraga.  The Forester can also give maps and more information on where to harvest firewood or other forest products on the L’Anse Reservation.  For more information, please contact the KBIC Forester.