KBIC flowers
KBIC flowers


Elizabeth Julio - Education Director

Elizabeth Julio

Education Director


8 am – 4:30 pm


111 Beartown Rd, Baraga, MI 49908


KBIC Education Department works together with students, families, and area schools to promote confident students and empower individuals to achieve their fullest potential to meet the challenges of today and the next seven generations.

For questions on any of the education programs, contact:

Liz Julio, Education Director –  ljulio@kbic-nsn.gov

Jody Joki, Education Assistant –  jjoki@kbic-nsn.gov

Education Committee

Serves as an advisory committee for the Education Department recognizing education is a vital role in strengthening our Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.

  • Hope Laramore, Chair
  • Sierra Ayres, Vice-Chair
  • Sheila Royal, Recordkeeper
  • Yvette Simmons, Assistant Recordskeeper
  • Rebecca Genschow, Trustee
  • Jennifer Heath, Trustee
  • Michelle Moulden, Trustee
  • Tom Magnant, Trustee

2023 High School Graduate Contact Link:

All KBIC graduates, regardless of location, are encouraged to submit contact information to stay up-to-date on potential opportunities.


The KBIC tutors are based within the Baraga County public schools.  They offer support to enrolled KBIC students with services to include tutoring during school hours for grades K-12 and after-school tutoring for grades 6-12.  They work closely with teachers, staff, and Title teachers to ensure that all student needs are best being met.

Baraga Area Schools

Jennifer Westman, Elementary jwestman@baragaschools.org

Helen Jondreau, High School hjondreau@baragaschools.org

L'Anse Area Schools

Beth Dix, Elementary bdix@laschools.us

Desiree Jermac, High School desireej@kbic-nsn.gov


The KBIC Ojibwemowin staff provides K-12 language classes that are available to all students within the L’Anse and Baraga public schools. 

K-12 Incentives


High School Graduate Reimbursement Program

All KBIC graduates, regardless of location, are encouraged to submit contact information to stay up-to-date on potential opportunities.


College Prep Scholarship

Michigan Indian Elders Association 2024/2025

2022- 2023 College Graduate Contact Link

All KBIC graduates, regardless of location, are encouraged to submit contact information to stay up-to-date on potential opportunities.

2023- 2024 College Graduate Contact Link

NTGCR Scholarship Application

Education Dept. Resources:

Excellence & Achievement: This program encourages increased grade point averages and course completion. Funding is available to KBIC member college students and first-generation KBIC descendants residing in Baraga, Marquette, and Ontonagon Counties.

BIA Higher Education: Need-based grant funding available to KBIC members enrolled in Associate or Bachelor’s degree programs at accredited colleges or universities located in Michigan.

Ann Misegan Scholarship: Funded by KBIC, this merit-based scholarship seeks to recognize one outstanding KBIC member who is pursuing their education within the health care field.

Milestone Incentives: KBIC funded incentive promoting and recognizing those members who complete college degrees.

Indoozhichigaazomin Program: Competitive Student Loan program for those members seeking higher level degrees.

Sovereign Student Fund: Available to KBIC members enrolled in a one-year certificate, associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral program at an accredited college or university. No location requirement for this program.

External Resources:

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):  Federal need-based grant funding including Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants, Federal Work Study, and Direct Loans.

American Indian College Fund Scholarships:  For those enrolled members of a federal or state-recognized tribe, or a descendant of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member.

More Scholarship Links

Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver:

KBIC Education Department assists students in obtaining tuition funding provided by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

Wisconsin Indian Student Assistance Grant:

Need-based grant available to Native American Wisconsin residents who are attending a Wisconsin school of higher education.

Bill Swartz Memorial Scholarship:

 KBIC assists in processing this privately funded scholarship for engineering students attending Michigan Technological University.

Ojibwa Community Library (OCL)

OCL  serves the members of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and the surrounding communities. We are open to the public, and provide free library memberships to those who wish to use our library.  For more information, click on Library

Contact Information

Dawn Browning, Librarian dbrowning@kbic-nsn.gov

Graham Edwards – Librarian Assistant 

Book Requests

OCL values the input and suggestions from the community.

Please click on  and complete the form on the following link to make a book request: Book Request