KBIC flowers
KBIC flowers

Community Assistance Program

Program Goals and Objectives

  • To increase self-sufficiency;
  • To reduce poverty among Tribal members and their families,
  • To honor our Tribal Elders and Tribal Members, and
  • To continue to provide quality services and expand programs to meet essential needs of the KBIC members

Problem Statement

Funding assistance is lacking to meet essential needs of the community.

Mission Statement

CAP provides assistance not provided by federal, state, local or other tribal sources. CAP works to promote the self-sufficiency of Tribal community members by ensuring the quality of life, general health, and welfare.


The Community Assistance Program administers the following listed programs:

Elder Disability Pension Trust and Heating Assistance Program:
Marquette Trust Properties and Baraga County To Residents Only

Heating Assistance Program:
Ontonagon County To Residents Only

Community Service Block Grant (CSGB):
Funds address the needs of low income families, homeless, and elderly.

  1. Emergency crisis assistance to prevent homelessness, evictions, prevent or restore disconnected utility services, and other emergency service needs.
  2. To assist in achieving self sufficiency, job retention, education services to achieve employment.

Community Needs Assistance Program (CNAP):
Marquette Trust Properties and Baraga County to Residents Only

  1. Non-Medical Assistance: To replace or repair appliances or equipment; Utility and heating disconnects; Vehicle repairs or tire replacements.
  2. Medical Travel/Services: For medical travel, specialists, overnight hospitalizations, medical/surgical procedures, travel out the area to visit hospitalized family members, to attend treatment or sobriety/family therapy sessions and/or to obtain medical alert services.
  3. Fire/Flood: For crisis assistance for damage involving a primary residence.
  4. Local Funeral Allowance: For out of the area immediate family members to attend local funerals.
  5. Out of the Area Funeral Allowance: For immediate family member funerals.

Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): 
Heating assistance for eligible households who are federally recognized Indians living within the KBIC eight county service area, whose gross annual income falls within 60% of the state median income guideline.

  1. Direct Assistance Program (DAP): Heating Assistance for qualified applicants.
  2. Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP): Assist with energy crisis.